Living on the EdgeThis past Friday I had the pleasure of speaking with my friend Terri Watkins of Spin Frogs on her TERRIfic Tips for Business podcast. We talked about a ton of stuff: successful pricing, defining the deeper value of what you deliver and how you serve your audience, and strategic networking, to name a few—we went wide, but we also went deep, and I encourage you to check it out. Right at the end, Terri asked me, "What's the one piece of advice you wish you could give your younger self?" My…Keep Reading
Yes, We're OpenDespite the record-breaking amounts of rain here in the Northeast last week, I had a pretty great vacation. Somehow, my friends and I managed to dance between those many, many raindrops to do almost everything we had planned to do before we knew what the weather would deliver. I'm still kind of surprised, to be honest. I chalk it up to being flexible and not married to any particular plan for how the week should go. I was also surprised how "back to normal" so many places in New England are….Keep Reading
Gone Fishin'I'm on vacation this week, but that doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you at least a little bit :-). I'm up in Boston and had the opportunity to sail Boston Harbor on July 4th aboard the Roseway, an historic tall ship. We headed out chasing the path of another historic ship, the USS Constitution, which is also known as "Old Ironsides" because it's said that cannonballs bounced off her sides and she was virtually indestructable. Old Ironsides is the oldest commissioned ship in the US Navy,…Keep Reading
Readjust Your EyesI can't stop thinking about something my friend Jessica said a couple of weeks ago. She recently bought some plants to bring some other living things into her home. A little while later, she noticed the plants weren't looking so hot and thought she probably needed to prune and repot them. When she pulled the plants out of their original pots, she found tons of roots. 'Despite how it looked above the soil,' she said, 'there was this amazing growth happening below the surface.' Wow, that's a…Keep Reading
The Talent to BalanceMy friends and family know that I have terrible feet. I've had multiple surgeries on my feet and even broke one foot in two places running to catch a train to get to work one morning. Recently, I went to physical therapy for some prolonged foot and ankle pain I've been having. My therapist, Paul, gave me a bunch of exercises and stretches to do each day. But, the one he said I should do more than any other is to balance on one foot for at least 20 seconds and then switch to the other foot and…Keep Reading
How to Say "No"Last week I talked about the difference between being nice and being kind and shared how being nice is really a trap. If you missed that email, you can find it here. A big symptom of niceness is discomfort saying "no," even when you know it's what you should and truly want to do. Let's face it, we've all had occasion to experience that dreaded situation when a friend, colleague, family member, client, or acquaintance makes us feel obligated to say "yes" to something we'd rather not. But is…Keep Reading