
Recent Posts

  • Passing the Mic Passing the Mic I just launched a new startup class for New York City's Small Business Services last week for a group of inspiring female entrepreneurs. As I'm going over the curriculum and building my speakers series I'm realizing, not for the first time, how amazing and savvy my community and network is. That includes you. An idea I've been toying with for the past few months has been to open up my weekly email to others who have a unique expertise or knowledge to share with all of us by giving them the…Keep Reading
  • Say Less Say Less Last week, a friend and fellow business strategist shared a piece of advice she'd recently received that really struck a nerve with us both. Part of its brilliance is in its simplicity. "Say less." That's it! This is not the 'say less' of modern lingo where it means you don't have to say more to convince me, I'm in. This say less means stop talking so much. Say less because you don't owe others an explanation, a justification, or even a reason. Say less because your yes or no is enough….Keep Reading
  • Bulking Up Email Protections Bulking Up Email Protections Are you aware of the new guidelines Google and Yahoo (AOL) will be implementing in February as a way to help reduce spam and malicious emails? Don't feel bad if you're not. I just learned about this last week and it totally blindsided me. If you currently send out bulk email, i.e., to a email list, or plan to in the future, then you're going to want to pay attention. To be honest, the majority of the changes impact bulk senders who distributed 5,000 emails per day. But, this isn't just 5,000…Keep Reading
  • Are You Trying Too Hard? Are You Trying Too Hard? I don't know about you, but the new year kick-off was a kick in the pants for me. Let's just say a change in my health insurance meant hours of research online and then on the phone and lots of anxiety and mental fatigue! I don't really like to moan about this stuff because really what can you do, but it took up so much of my time and brain space that it got me thinking how this kind of stuff can really sabotage us entrepreneurs without our realizing it until it's already too late. When I…Keep Reading
  • New Year's Evolution New Year's Evolution I always find this time of year bittersweet as I contemplate the year that was and plan for the year ahead. It takes me a little bit to get myself back up to full speed. The older I get, the more grace I need to give myself in this regard. Which leads me to share my one kinda-sorta-if-I-did-new-year's-resolutions-this-is-what-it-would-be goal for 2024: To be kinder to myself. Because I'll tell you, I'm my own worst critic. Like, the absolute worst. By a long shot. I know, on its face value,…Keep Reading
  • Your Money. Your Life. Your Money. Your Life. As we enter the countdown to a new year — 10 days to go — I'm reminded of an end-of-year ritual I started a few decades back. Last week, I mentioned that in 1999 I went on a six month walkabout along the Pacific Rim. About 4 years before that grand adventure, I was working two jobs to make ends meet (and pay off my student loans) when I read the book Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez and Vicki Robin. This book really did change my life and point of view about work, money, and…Keep Reading