
Recent Posts

  • The Giving Season I know, I know, Giving Tuesday is in the rearview as is Cyber Monday, and Small Business Saturday, and Black Friday. But that doesn't mean we're all done with everything. At least, I'm not. This year, I decided to ignore the tons of messages in my inbox over the weekend and get back in touch with what I truly love about this time of year…and it isn't the great deals. It's the gratitude. If you've been reading my emails for any length of time, then you probably already know I'm a big…Keep Reading
  • Know. Like. Trust. Know. Like. Trust. Hello Reader, Last week, one of the "purls" of wisdom I shared was about needing to keep challenging myself. If you missed it, find it here. So this year I'm challenging myself to approach my year-in-review and 2022 planning differently. Not familiar with the Know-Like-Trust Principle? You probably are and just don't realize it. Know: This is how you generate awareness for your business. Like: This is how you attract your target market and get them to engage with your business. Trust: This is…Keep Reading
  • Purls of Wisdom A few years ago, not long before the pandemic, I began to knit. I'd learned decades ago from a friend and never finished anything. Then, quickly dropped it. Over the years, I picked up the needles on and off but didn't accomplish much. But, this time, wow, I got hooked (pun intended). I became a knitting machine. That year, I made hats and scarves for everyone. I mean EVERYONE! Last week I shared my tips for avoiding stress and overwhelm this holiday season. Well, I haven't made everyone…Keep Reading
  • And So It Begins If you're like me, once Halloween hits, all bets are off for the rest of the year. You've got a ton of things to do. Some are must-dos, others are really, really wanna-dos. And, it can be a lot. Like a lot A LOT. As the song goes, the season is supposed to be "merry and bright." But, with all the deadlines and pressure, it can become quite depressing and dark pretty darn quickly. A few years ago, that was an apt description of me. I was emotionally exhausted after ending an intense business…Keep Reading
  • Treat Yo'self Treat Yo'self When I was a kid, my younger brother and I approached Halloween and trick-or-treating like a small business. We gathered intel from our friends to identify the best houses in the neighborhood. You know, the ones that gave full-size candy bars or multiple treats or just the best selection without an apple or raisin to be found. We canvassed the 'marketplace' finding the homes with the best decorations—a good indicator of a highly engaged audience. When we returned home with the profits of our…Keep Reading
  • The Simple Answer In a meeting last week with my fabulous designer and website consultant, I had to keep reminding myself to stop making things more complicated than they needed to be. The goal is to make less work for myself, not more. But, it's so easy to devise complex solutions when simple ones will not only do but will do better. There are many reasons for this, but often it's because we're afraid we're going to leave something critical out and/or we are solving for the wrong thing. Here's how I made…Keep Reading