No More Hustle Culture đźš«Firstly, I had a lovely break and thoroughly enjoyed my time away from “business as usual” these past two weeks. Well, if I’m being honest, it was more like 10 days because there was that meeting I needed to attend last week and that prospect call I needed to schedule. Oh yeah, and those emails I really couldn’t let sit. You get the idea. I hate that we’ve made work so central and pervasive to our lives, and as much as I try to maintain my boundaries, it’s still hard, especially when I feel…Keep Reading
Having One of Those Days?Have you ever had one of those days? You know the kind—when nothing goes right, and you're ready to throw in the towel and call it quits before noon? I know you have because haven't we all? Early last week, one of my clients wrote me that she was having that kind of day during our weekly check-in, and the next day it was my turn. First, it was an issue with the renewal of my business insurance, then it was an issue with my newsletter distribution, then Slack. On and on. In the middle of…Keep Reading
Trouble in the Meta-verseHi Reader, Last week, I talked about getting recession-ready. If you haven't done so, would you kindly take one minute to cast your vote in this poll. It'd really help me out. I apologize that this email is long, but when I started to dive into this week's topic, I realized how much there is to unpack.So, let's get into it. What happened? Way back in February, Meta Platforms—the newly rebranded Facebook—reported a loss of about 1 million daily users in the last quarter of 2021. This was the…Keep Reading
What Goes UpHi Reader, As of the latest Gross Domestic Product (GDP) report, we've met the unofficial criteria for a recession. This single datapoint of two consecutive quarters of economic decline is all it takes. But, as you can imagine, the economy is complicated, especially in pandemic recovery mode. No doubt our road to recovery is going to be long and somewhat bumpy. So, let's talk about what it means to manage your business when money is tight, inflation is a real thing, and both consumers and…Keep Reading
What You Say…Hi Reader, Over the past several weeks I've received at least a half dozen invites to free workshops that are all variations of the same theme: What's Your Why? Your deep why, as I like to call it, is a critical thing that every entrepreneur needs to figure out and communicate if they're going to be successful. But, lately, I've been noticing how difficult it is for so many entrepreneurs (and even job seekers) to talk about their 'what'. What it is they do. I've talked about crafting a great…Keep Reading
Is It a Sign?Hi Reader, So, maybe this is just me, but sometimes I think the universe is sending me signs. (It's not just me, right?) The other day I was walking down my street in NYC, on my way to meet a friend, and I noticed this bright pink post-it note sitting on a tree guard—just kind of willy-nilly balanced there. Not even stuck in place. There were lots of other people walking down the street in both directions. This post-it was not hidden. It was right there. Did I mention it was bright pink? Like…Keep Reading